Olga's Patrick's Web Page

Labrador Retriever  : :  Male (not neutered)  : :  Baby

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Forever Home Wanted!!

Meet puppy Patrick! Patrick  is all puppy love! He loves to snuggle, hang out with you, play with other dogs and be held. He is sweet, loving and doing great on his house training! If you want puppy breath and lots of puppy kisses, Patrick may be just the dog for you. 

Email dogs@labradorsandfriends.org or fill out our online application at www.labradorsandfriends.org Patrick is located in Southern California.

About Olga's Patrick

  • Location: 00000
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

More about Olga's Patrick

Good with Dogs, Good with Adults, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Even-tempered